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Andro Kinetic Supreme OFF- Z-Hightech Fibre Hinoki

Price:  74.99 €  ( EUR )
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Temp: 91
Control: 97
Hardness: 99
Weight: 85 g.
Strategy: off-

andro is celebrating a premiere by introducing Kinetic
Supreme OFF- Zylon/Hinoki constructed blade: An extra
smooth and feelingly touch of a Hinoki wood combined
with hardness and stability of a Zylon-Carbon wood.
The result: A blade, exposing its all over strength. The one
who wants to gain the winning point by precise and controlled block strategy will find this type a must as well as the one who tends to offensive play without compromise. This blade is really a multi-talent. The weight reduction achieved comes up to a lot of players‘ wish to have an extra lightweight Carbon blade. Moreover, this blade has another positive feature: A pleasant balance.

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