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Currency: EUR


Andro Kinetic Supreme Carbon OFF

Price:  45.99 €  ( EUR )
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Temp: 95
Control: 93
Hardness: 98
Weight: 90 g.
Strategy: off

Preference is with the direct touch, being characteristic for
Carbon constructed blades. The player benefits an exact ball
contact feedback and, because of the high basic speed character, is in a position to play amazing powerful strokes.
While the Carbon layers are directly positioned around the
core veneer, the blade is additionally stabilised, resulting
into more control. The high ball flying path make the Kinetic
Supreme OFF a superb option for those players, tending to
aggressive topspin strokes. The slightly top-heavy construction
at a total weight of approx. 90 g provides with additional
dynamic. A blade, developed to fulfil the highest demands.

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