Мова: Deutsch

Валюта: EUR


Andro Carbotox Tronum OFF

Ціна:  42,99 €  ( EUR )
рейтинг рейтинг рейтинг рейтинг рейтинг
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Швидкість: 93
Контроль: 95
Жорсткість: 98
Вага: 90 г.
Стиль: off

The speed of a blade with synthetic fibre inside combined with the feedback of a pure-wooden
blade and on top of that maximum feeling. Impossible? Well, andro Tronum Carbotox makes it
possible! The answer to the riddle is the newly developed synthetic fibre Carbotox which is
installed directly underneath the outer plies. Its special structure and the fact that it is slightly
thinner than common synthetic fibres provides this blade with a unique feeling. This certain feeling
opens the door for difficult speed variations without losing control. A high flying curve lets dreams
and effective topspins come true. This blade conveys pure fun!

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